how to have a good day

How To Have a Good Day

Yesterday was a great day. There was nothing particularly special about it, but it was productive, I had a ton of energy and was generally happy. According to this TED talk by Shawn Achor, our brains operate 31% better when we are happy. Being happy will also reduce the stress hormone cortisol which has a huge positive impact on our overall health.

When we are happy, we are

  • More creative
  • Have more energy
  • Are more productive
  • Are more resilient to stress

How to have a “good day”

  1. Eliminate the time wasters. It is amazing how easily we can get wrapped up in things we have NO CONTROL OVER. The day will always be better if you avoid:
    • watching the news for prolonged periods of time
    • talking to negative people
    • gossiping
    • mindlessly browsing social media
  2. Be intentional about positive input. Make positive input a priority in your life. If you do not put forth the effort to do this, it will not happen. Here are a few of my favorite resources :
    • Non fiction books on
    • Podcasts on business, leadership and personal growth
    • Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest (intentionally seeking out inspiring people, articles, videos, etc)
  3. Wake up earlier. Hands down- this is the most important thing of all. There is no substitute for setting your day up for success. Here are my non-negotionable morning rituals:
    • Working out
    • Eating a good breakfast
    • A short meditation or a morning walk or both
    • Listening to an audiobook, ted talk or podcast while doing all of these things

I know we all have obligations that can potentially get in the way, but ultimately it is up to us to take control of our happiness and our health.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” [World Health Organization].

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