new for 2014

New for 2014!

December is by far my favorite month. I love the excitement of the holidays and the energy of the approaching new year! I know I have been quiet for the past week or so on my blog, but it is only because I have been hard at work preparing programs to help people in the new year ahead. As of this evening, I am excited to announce that everything is ready to reveal!

What’s NEW for 2014!

6 Week Online Coaching Program

online coaching program

This is great solution for someone looking for a personalized meal plan, workout program and accountability along the way. Coaching clients get my ongoing support and I recently created 10+ pages worth of educational materials to help maximize results.

52 Week Periodized Workout Program

52 wk periodized program

This is year long program designed to get you to accomplish many fitness goals within a year’s time without burning out. Great for anyone with basic exercise experience who is looking for a little guidance and motivation.

12 Week Healthy Habits Guide

12 week healthy habits guide

A habits based program designed to introduce the basic principles of healthy living. Great for anyone who is looking to establish their foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

More information on the programs and coaching can be found by going: or If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

A Final Thought for the New Year..

I have been a long time fan of Michael Hyatt (former CEO, and blogger on leadership at and today I stumbled upon his new video series on how to get focused for 2014. If you’re having trouble getting motivated for the year ahead, I highly suggest you check it out. It will help you get inspired about setting your new year’s goals.


Wishing you a safe celebration, and a very Happy 2014! See you in the new year!