Cinnamon Bacon Bites

Cinnamon Bacon Bites

Today I was craving a treat. This happens a lot on the weekends for many of the clients I work with. During the week we have a plan, we have our schedule and for the most part- we can stick to it. On the weekends though it’s easy to overindulge and undo all of the hard work from the week. Thankfully, Quest Bars offer a great tasting solution that is high in fiber, high in protein and super easy to “cook” with.

These Cinnamon Bacon Bites are a great option to satisfy a craving for something that is both sweet & savory. This recipe also offers a great blend of macronutrients that will keep you satisfied throughout the day without regret.

#15SecondRecipe Cinnamon Bacon Bites

My take-a-ways

  • Use a plastic cutting board, and you may want to lightly grease it with some butter to keep the bar from sticking to it. Same goes for the rolling pin, your fingers and the fork. Those bars are sticky!

  • 4 minutes was almost too much time (as you can see from the picture of the bars I made above). You may want to check them at 3 minutes to avoid burning.

  • Pressing the edges with the fork didn’t work out too well on one of the bars despite my best efforts, but you can always just use your fingers to press the edges together.

  • These can definitely be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge for a few days. I imagine reheating for 30 seconds in the microwave for a quick breakfast would work just fine.

Nutrition Breakdown

One of the things I teach my clients is how to choose meals that are balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fat. As you can see, this meal is almost a perfect even split of the macronutrients. This means that it will fill you up, without filling your out.

Now although there are no vegetables or fruit in this “meal,” you will see that the Quest Bars still offer an excellent source of both fiber and protein (which is why they are the only bar I recommend). Hey, you can always catch up on that extra serving of vegetables at your next meal to work up to your 8-10 servings for the day. 😉

(Note: this nutrition information is based off of using 1 quest bar and 1 piece of bacon per serving. This made the 2 “tarts” that you see pictured above.)



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