Social Pressure Diet

How to Survive Social Pressure When You’re on a Diet

Summer is approaching and the back yard BBQ is fired up.

You’ve worked hard for a month or two to build your healthy habits and gain traction towards your goals and you’re about to throw your hands up in defeat as the ice cream tub is being passed in front of you for the 3rd time.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately many of us undo much of our progress over the summer months with the constant social pressure. With Memorial Day Weekend upon us, we are about to reach the beginning of summer and the start of endless pool parties, holidays and tempting indulgences. Have no fear you can enjoy the fun without undoing all of your hard work- the video below will tell you how.

5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Social Settings

#1 Focus on YOU.

#2 Never go anywhere hungry

#3 Have a plan before you go out to an event.

#4 if you can bring something, bring something healthy

#5 Set realistic expectations & don’t dwell on mistakes.

Maintaining your results and living healthy comes down to our habits and the choices we make on a consistent basis. Below are a few great recipes to get you inspired to enjoy the summertime festivities without feeling deprived.

5 Healthy & Delicious Summertime Recipes

Fish Tacos with Watermelon Salsa
Fish Tacos

Healthy Strawberry Shortcake

Pepper Jack Chicken with Succotash
Pepper Jack Chicken

Portion Controlled Peach Cobbler
Peach Cobbler

Grilled Shrimp with Mango & Lime Salsa

If you this information to be helpful please SHARE this post [using the buttons below] to help spread the message of healthy living!

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photo credit: tantek via photopin cc