Chiara and Holly-208 Hi, I'm Holly! Certified Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer, and welcome to my blog! If you’re looking to get fit & healthy you’ve come to the right place! This blog is all about sharing my best strategies, recipes and workouts for healthy living.

I believe that healthy living is a choice and we have the power and responsibility to choose healthy habits every day. My mission is to provide useful, and practical information to promote healthy living. I work to teach my clients eating and exercise habits that are sustainable for life.
"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."

Tag : super-foods

Are Alkaline Foods Good For Your Health

Are Alkaline Foods Good for Your Health?

Have you heard of someone treating an illness with fruit and vegetables? Or seen any juice fast or heard someone preach the benefits of a vegan diet? Today I would like discuss something that all of these diets have in common: A focus on nutrient dense, alkaline forming foods. First, let’s have a little review

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Winter Kale Salad

Winter Kale Salad

The people who can most successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. When it comes to healthy eating, people who know how to cook and make ingredients taste good have a distinct advantage over those who can’t. Edward Ugel, I’m With Fatty: Losing Fifty Pounds in Fifty Miserable Weeks, 2010 The best

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super food

Super Foods to Include in Your Diet

The term “super foods” is used to describe foods that are exceptionally high in nutritional content and many have also been recognized for their anti-inflammatory / anti cancer properties. It would be wise to include as many of these foods in your diet as often as possible while removing the junk foods, as I discussed

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foods you should buy organic

12 Foods You Should Buy Organic

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle eating real, whole foods is of top priority. A healthy diet includes an abundance of fresh vegetables, lean meats, fruits, and heart healthy fats. When it comes to choosing your foods at the grocery store it is important to remember that quality does matter. After all, the

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Whey Protein Shake Recipes

Whey Protein Shake Ideas

Today I found myself in a bit of a jam, I had been out running errand for hours and only had 10 minutes to unload the groceries, eat, & get on the road to my next appointment. Has anyone else been there? I was hungry, and had NO TIME to eat! …. Luckily I had

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