Chiara and Holly-208 Hi, I'm Holly! Certified Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer, and welcome to my blog! If you’re looking to get fit & healthy you’ve come to the right place! This blog is all about sharing my best strategies, recipes and workouts for healthy living.

I believe that healthy living is a choice and we have the power and responsibility to choose healthy habits every day. My mission is to provide useful, and practical information to promote healthy living. I work to teach my clients eating and exercise habits that are sustainable for life.
"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."

Tag : nutrition

habits to keep you young

Are Your Habits Making You Older or Keeping You Young?

Why is it that some people age gracefully while others don’t? Genetics and family history are an undeniable contributing factor, but I believe that our overall lifestyle plays a major role as well. I have always been fascinated by the subject of longevity, which is what lead me to study Exercise Science & Health Promotion.

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planning for nutrition success

How to Plan for Nutrition Success

Essential Kitchen Tools Besides the obvious dishes and utensils, make sure you have the following on hand to prepare & store your healthy meals. A Chef’s knife & paring knife Storage containers (at least 3 large & 3 small containers, plastic is OK but glass Pyrex is my personal choice) Cutting board (at least 2

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super food

Super Foods to Include in Your Diet

The term “super foods” is used to describe foods that are exceptionally high in nutritional content and many have also been recognized for their anti-inflammatory / anti cancer properties. It would be wise to include as many of these foods in your diet as often as possible while removing the junk foods, as I discussed

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healthy eating at home

Preparing Your Home For Healthy Eating

The first step to eating healthy is to decide to do so, but the second (and perhaps most important) step is to prepare your house for success. Foods to toss out: Chips & crackers Chocolates or candy Soda/pop/sweetened drinks Alcohol, especially flavored/sweetened mixed drinks Instant foods like cake mixes and mashed potatoes Margarine and other

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foods you should buy organic

12 Foods You Should Buy Organic

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle eating real, whole foods is of top priority. A healthy diet includes an abundance of fresh vegetables, lean meats, fruits, and heart healthy fats. When it comes to choosing your foods at the grocery store it is important to remember that quality does matter. After all, the

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sports nutrition

Eating Right for Sports Performance

Performing well during physical activity comes down to eating right every day. Without a solid foundation of nutritious food, the results of your exercise efforts will be limited. Below are some guidelines to help fuel your body right! Eat clean Focus on real foods that are loaded with vitamins and minerals as opposed to highly

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Quick Breakfast Ideas

Quick Breakfast Ideas

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nonetheless it can be hard to find the time to prepare it. My favorite “quick” breakfast ideas Boiled Eggs & Greens drink Egg White & Vegetable Omelet Protein Oatmeal Option 1 (on the left): 2 boiled eggs Greens plus (can add small

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Stuffed Bell Peppers

Healthy Recipe: Stuffed Bell Peppers

As I continue to reach out to my friends and family, the most common request I am getting is for quick & healthy food options. I can relate as I am a pretty lazy cook myself, but I have learned that in about the time it takes to watch a TV show I can cook 1 meal in

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eating healthy when dining out

Eating Healthy When Dining Out

Eating out has become part of the American culture and for many of us, it is part of our daily routine. Most of us need about 2000 to 2500 calories per day to maintain our weight. However, with restaurant meals averaging well over 1000 calories a meal, it is easy to see how quickly this habit

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how to beat food cravings

How to Beat Food Cravings

Have you ever started your day off with good intentions only to sabotage yourself with a candy bar, cookie, or bag of chips? I’ve been there & it sucks! Being a former sugar addict myself, I have learned the importance of regulating my blood sugar throughout the day to control my sweet tooth. “There are two

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lasting weight loss

The “Secret” To Lasting Weight Loss

As a Fitness & Nutrition Coach my biggest goal is to get people to understand that there is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. Think about it for a second, how many people do you know have regained the weight they lost after a diet? Diet’s don’t work for the long term

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carbohydrates explained

Carbohydrates Explained

Do you feel sluggish after lunch? Or maybe you need to lose weight? If so, you may have been told to “watch your carbs.” While there is truth to this statement, I find that this oversimplification leaves most people confused about what they should & shouldn’t eat. Today I aim to clarify the misconceptions about

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How Fit is Your Life?

How Fit is Your Life?

We have all heard the saying “use it or lose it” and when it comes to our bodies, this statement is SO TRUE. For the past 6 years I have met with people who have realized that they “lost it” and are trying desperately to get it back. In my first strength and conditioning class in

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